Specify - Daily Quotes

by The Hover Studio



There is a quote for every mood,Specify is your personal quote companion designed to be helpful for you everyday.Specify is a collection of quotes that areuplifting, encouraging and inspirational for everyperson. We strive to help you feel better whenyoure down and lift your mood up in just a fewminutes.Specify major features:- Thousands of quotes: Inspiration, Motivationand Support in one app.- Categories for you to read any time: search bythe category that fits your mood best. You canchoose the category of quotes you want or justscroll through our feed to find inspiration whenyou need it most!Categories include:+ Life+ Bussines+ Sport+ Hope + Work + Motivation+ Sadness+ Wisdom+ HumorSave favorites and share with friends: selectthe best quote to save it to Favorites or share itwith your friends on social media in seconds." if you see someone without a smile give them one of yours ", unknown, so dont wait and get started with Specify.